Fort Meyers Beach

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Near Disaster

WE ALMOST LOST THE TV.  We decided to leave Harbor Beach (because I loved it so much) and head for Harrisville despite the forecast of 10-15 Knot winds increasing to 15-20 Kts with gusts of 25.  Well the waves were a bit higher than the previous day and the odd  wave seemed to be about 5 feet.  We slammed pretty hard a couple of times because the waves also seemed pretty close together, somewhat like the crap that you get on Lake Erie sometimes.  It took us a couple of hours to cross Saginaw Bay but then it was pretty manageable.  We did have some excitement; the safety light broke free from our life buoy and Linda had to go retrieve it (before anybody says anything, she would not allow me to go)because it was bouncing on the deck.  We were bobbing pretty hard.  Al will appreciate the feeling as it was similar to stopping outside of Pelee Island on the first day that we got the boat.  Anyway, she crawled out and because it was still attached at one end tied it securely. 

When we arrived at Harrisville and went below (I was not allowed to go to the head the whole trip) it looked like a tornado went through the boat.  Now we have travelled a fair bit so things were stowed as we would normally but.... the TV broke out of the cabinet.   The two screws holding it in place broke free.  It still works though.  We also found cheese and some salad dressing from the fridge in the salon.  Fortunately, the fridge must of slammed shut again and saved the beer and refreshments.  We had backgammon pieces all over the boat; our new wine cooler door was open and 3 bottles removed; the bar in my closet broke free and all my clothes were crumpled at the bottom (now they need to be ironed again, Ha), and all of the foamies and drinking mugs were scattered.  That was the worse shake up that we have experienced.

Harrisville seems quite nice.  If we have to stay, no problem but I would like to get further up the coast if the weather permits.  I am sorry for sending out so many reports but there is no TV and Linda can entertainment me only so often. lol.  Nice chatting with you.  I have to chart out tomorrow's route now. 

Tom and Linda

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