Fort Meyers Beach

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

IVYC to Tall Timbers Marina, Havana, IL

(Sept.21 – Distance: 48.2 mi; Avg Speed: 9.0 mph; TTT: 7:00 hrs)

Peoria Dam Lock
We had a 2 ½ hour wait at the Peoria Lock. One of those big suckers was in the lock when we arrived. Two of the three boats at the town dock got through before the barge arrived so four of us where left to wait it out. The others chose to drop anchor but Linda and I felt more comfortable just floating and doing the odd donut. We are getting the gears from the others but I keep telling them that I do not want to get my new anchor and anchor rode dirty.

In the afternoon, Linda and I were getting bored with the river and since we needed some supplies we let Q off its leash and took off on plane. I told the others that we needed to clear my engines of all of the trawler dust and cob webs that had accumulated over the past several days. We arrived at our destination, Tall Timbers Marina in Havana IL, about 90 minutes before the others. We actually had time for a beer and had completed our grocery shopping by the time the others got in.

I accomplished a new record while docking here. Since it was such a small marina, space was limited so I had to literally squeeze in behind The Old Grouch, a fellow looper, and a 20 foot dock. It was like parallel parking only with a boat and in some fairly strong winds on my stern. We moved in and had to pivot on a spring line to actually prevent the boat from moving forward or backwards. In the end I had docked the boat between the boat up front and a dock behind with only 5 feet of extra room. I was rewarded with a beer and some favorable comments from the others when they arrived.

Another happy hour, BBQ and early turn in while a thunderstorm rolled through.

Another good day.

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