Fort Meyers Beach

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Boo Hoo Hoo, We are Home

(Thursday Sept 1 - Dist: 45.6 mi; Avg Speed: 13.9 mph; TTT: 3:10 hrs)

Hallelujah!  Linda and I have completed America's Great Loop.  As you can see, it is with mixed feelings.  I asked Linda for the title of this last entry.  We are clearly sorry to have the journey end.  On the other hand the achievement of travelling 6,700 miles on our boat is something that we can be proud of.  The adventure, the people, the sights, the experiences, and especially the new found friends will be cherished for the rest of our lives.  It has been a remarkable year.

For those who are interested in stats here are bunch of them for you:

Total Distance Travelled:  6,746 miles;

Fuel:  Total - 5,638.5 US Gals;  Avg Cost per gal - $3.70 USD;  Total Cost - $20,938.50;

Mileage:  MPG - 1.31;   GPH - 10.63;

Dockage:  Marinas - 107 (Cost - $19,691);  At Anchor - 14;  Free Wall - 8;

Pump Outs:  Total - 30;  Cost: $147.50;  Macerator Over Board - 5;

Maintenance (includes Dinghy repairs and stolen bike):  $9,283.83;

Engine Hours:  Total - 678.8 hrs;

I am finally at a loss for words or my life is no longer exciting.  Many Loopers say that they are depressed and are on a general downer after completing the Loop.  It must be PLD.... Post Looper Depression.  Linda and I have it so we are already talking about what next.  We will go down to Florida by car this winter and pick up a couple of the places that we by passed while Looping.  Savannah and St Pete's are the first that come to mind and then of course we will meet up with a bunch of friends in Marathon.  There is even talk of an "A" Team (the Abaco Bahamas Team) reunion.  Next summer we will definitely be cruising somewhere and we are both open to take the boat south again next year.  Time will tell.

For those of you who stuck with it and followed the blog, I hope that in some small way I have left you a sense of how wonderful the trip actually is.  There are so many neat places, great restaurants, fun bars and above all great, really great people that you meet and get to know.  Some that we have met will be friends for life. 

Linda and I wish to thank all the Loopers and boaters who have made this such an excellent adventure.


  1. Well done Linda & Tom!
    " Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." TS Eliot

    It's good to have you back.

  2. Congrats you two! That's a lot of miles, gallons, locks, docks, towns and people! We believe we are going to cruise over to the Bahama's and island hop with a couple other boats for the winter! After all your pictures, those intrigue us the most!
    Thank you for all the pics and entertaining captions! We've enjoyed them very much!

  3. Good job Linda and Tom! Enjoyed our time with you in Marathon. We will be in Marathon again this winter and hope to see you while you are there.

    The two and four legged crew of September song.
