Fort Meyers Beach

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Halifax River Yacht Club, Daytona Beach, FL

(Wed April 13 - Dist: 48.6 mi; Avg Speed: 7.8 mph; TTT: 6:10 hrs)

We needed a couple of extra days in Titusville to do some mundane tasks like laundry and getting the boat bottom cleaned.  I was pleased, especially after hearing that another boat's zincs were eaten up, that the zincs on Q's End were still good and the boat was not too, too bad underneath.  There were barnacles on the rudders, struts, trim tabs and props and unfortunately on a two foot section where I rubbed the bottom paint off near the bow.  Otherwise, the bottom paint has been holding up real good; thank you Clarence.

Since everyone else has left us in their wakes, we spent these last few days alone but not for long.  "Bade Boomer" from Michigan and an original member of the "A" Team, was also headed for Daytona Beach and although they could not get into the Yacht Club, they are close enough that we are spending time together.  Happy hours last night was at a Tiki bar at their marina and we partook big time; 12 Yeungling drafts and a number of Coors later we had dinner at the Blue Grotto.  The restrooms were like a NY city disco with flashing lights, see through counters and loud music.  Strange but neat.  The food was good too.

Anyway, the building in the top photo is the new club house for the Halifax River Yacht Club.  This yacht club experience is a thousand, no a million times, better than our experience with the Pentwater Yacht Club.  Brian the dockmaster was most helpful and informative.  He gave us a tour of the facilities and ensured that we had information about the surrounding area.  HRYC has been continuously in operation since 1896.  The old club house was replaced just 5 years ago.  This is wonderful even though we have yet to take advantage of the heated swimming pool or the restaurant.  Hopefully we will rectify that this evening.  For now, we are headed to Daytona Beach, the beach that one sees on all the post cards and photos about spring break.

This last photo is the view from our boat; not too shabby.  Have I said that I like this place??

1 comment:

  1. WOW...we're in Titusville now, leaving tomorrow for HRYC. Will stay the weekend there.
