Fort Meyers Beach

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cole's Point Plantation Marina, VA

(Wed. July 6 – Dist: 68.1 mi; Avg Speed: 11.4 mph; TTT: 6:00 hrs)

We are on way again down the Potomac River to the Chesapeake Bay.  Washington is 94 miles upriver from the Bay, two days up and two days back but as it turned out, very worthwhile.  We were going to anchor out one night but with the constant threat of thunderstorms each evening we had no real desire to be on the hook, in the dark, in the middle of nowhere during a storm….so Cole’s Point Plantation was about half way and not far off our intended route.

Faux pas.... Actually, the marina was fine for an overnight stay despite the age and tiredness of the docks and overhead coverings. The pool was good and inviting except for the promised rain.   BUT… The bar and restaurant was closed. It looked real appealing and I am sure that it would be a fun place but it was closed. It only opens on weekends, actually Thursdays through Sundays. Darn.

The Cole’s Point Plantation Marina and Campground looked liked it was geared for fishermen and campers but we felt quite comfortable as a cruiser except of course for the lack of a convenient bar or restaurant. Not surprisingly, nothing was close by, no cell phone service and no WiFi. We had a pleasant evening none-the-less as I truly enjoyed Linda’s cooking….for a change.

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